Assisted Living Facility

Assisted Living Facility

We understand that assisted living facilities are among the most complex living environments. Many residents have fragile health conditions, and from our years of experience, we know that they are highly sensitive to even minor events.

Beyond regular security training, our staff is fully trained to address basic medical issues, such as first aid. They are vigilant in monitoring residents who might wander off, ensuring they are guided back safely. Our team is also equipped to respond effectively in health emergencies and much more.

We Are Fully Insured and Licensed,
and Provide 24/7 Security Dispatch Services.

what we’re offering



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Security-related incidents at construction sites can lead to significant delays and financial losses...

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Our security arsenal boasts extensively trained officers, encompassing both unarmed and armed guards, committed to ensuring unparalleled safety and protection for our clientele.From specialized event security to routine patrols of commercial premises, our adept security personnel are primed to handle any scenario with precision and vigilance.


 380 Shady Lane,
El Cajon, CA 92021 ,USA


Phone : 619-599-2797

Mon – Sat: 8:00am to 6:00pm
Sun: Closed

Secured By miniOrange